Nello's Longest Table

The 8th Nello’s Longest Table, taking place on Sunday June 23rd, is a joyous and good-natured community occasion where everyone joins in a celebration of local food, drink, and friendship, with some 450 tables stretching edge-to-edge the length of Fore Street, around Topsham Quay, and down Ferry Road, past the Underway to the Passage House Inn. Our 2024 theme is “Italy-Topsham” in honour of Nello Ghezzo who inspired this extraordinary community event and who passed away in 1999, 25 years ago, and who is still much loved and remembered.

The idea is very simple: tables are ‘purchased’ which entitles any who take part to a table of six. We ask everyone bring your own chairs, plus a fabulous feast (locally sourced, please!), and our whole communities parties the evening away as some two thousand of us or more, sit down to eat and drink at roughly the same time, another example of how our community - young and old - comes together around the table.

As always, we ask for volunteers to assist with the set up of the tables on the morning of Sunday June 23rd. This can seem as if it is something of a herculean task, but if previous years are anything to go by and we get a good turn-out of helpers then the job will be completed remarkably swiftly and we can then all begin setting up our own tables or else relax with a well-earned pint or glass of wine.

It’s Topsham in June, and that means that the sun may either shine or else the heavens will open up. We’ve had both - and the party has gone on irregardless. As always, we ask everyone to clear away all your rubbish and bottles, and to return your tables to a designated collection point. Full instructions will be given when you book your table.

All proceeds from the evening are shared with community charities and organisations.

If you would like to volunteer or be involved in any way, please email Marc Millon at or Liz Hodges at

We look forward to seeing you at Nello’s Longest Table 2024!
